In today's world of ever increasing business complexities and technology growth, it is imperative that organizations focus on ‘Reducing Time to Market’ while ensuring ‘Product Quality and Reliability’ to stay ahead of competition, gain customer confidence and thus increasing profitability.
Greycell’s Independent Testing Services help ensure your business readiness by deploying its comprehensive range of world-class and innovative Testing Services customized for your business needs.
Greycell Testing Centre of Excellence draws upon 12+ years of testing experience with an accumulated knowledge base, proven track record and deep domain expertise. We have dedicated resources certified to International standards such as ISTQB, CSTE, CSQA and Equivalent, with expert onshore/onsite and offshore capability. With scalable resource and delivery flexibility - there is always high skilled capacity to accommodate increased demand.
Whether Greycell supports your existing program or provides a start-to-finish Testing Solution, whether it’s a long-term or a short-term engagement, you can rely on Greycell’s consistency, proven processes and methodology to deliver Quality.